10 free feminine Blogger templates - Beautifully Chaotic - Free printables!

10 free feminine Blogger templates


I love me some simplistic but cute templates! Inspired by my own new template I decided to collect the best ones I've found so far and share them with you guys. It took some searching but I think this makes a nice list. These are mostly for personal/lifestyle bloggers, some with sliders to show off your photography skills, others are more simple and great for those of us who just can't stop writing once we get started. So, back to the subject, here's the list!

1. Amalie

This is the template I'm using right now. I fell in love with the simplicity, and that it's cute at the same time! It has the round share buttons at the end of each post and I like that it displays the whole post without a "read more"-link, a popular feature these days. Call me old fashioned but I like to see the whole post right away. It's also compatible with the Blogger editor so you can easily change the font, navbar colors etc.

2. Brownie

Now this isn't exactly my style but I like the fresh feeling of it. And it is sort of unique, isn't it?

3. Familia

Similar to Amelia above but it has some small differences in the design, and it's also with a slider, so if you like Amelia but want to show off your photos, try this one.

4. Rosemary Beauty

Bright, light and pink! Also with a slider.

5. Fashion Elegant

Bright, bold PINK. Can that ever go wrong? Probably yes, but not here! Great magazine style template to show all the latest fashion news. Or pics from your camping trip. You know, whatever you'd like. :)

6. Elegant

BIG slider on this one, and stylish muted yellow accent color.

7. Impreza

A grid type template for all your grid type blogging needs. It's light and fresh and of course, works great to display your photos. I can imagine this one for a travel blog..

8. Beauteous

The complicated name aside, this adorable template is available in 2 versions, with 2 different sliders. The other version doesn't have the photo background but it's just as cute without it. 

9. Gracious

Great template for your personal blog to put your pics in focus. Slider, photo links to labels, super stylish popular posts widget and accents in turqouise. Can't go wrong.

10. Modern

Slider, grid, white, fresh. Need I say any more?

I hope you found something you like, and hopefully soon I'll be adding my own templates to the collection. :)

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Beautifully chaotic


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1 kommentarer

  1. Very good! Your blog is awesome, I loved the templates!
    I hopefully found one for me, since there ones who isn't full as its free versions. :(
    Thank you so much for sharing! ♥
